Gordon Ramsay’s Raw Egg Controversy: Exploring the Paradox of Mayonnaise in TV Cooking

When it comes to culinary arts, few names are as globally recognized as Gordon Ramsay. The British chef, known for his fiery temper and high standards in the kitchen, has made a name for himself through various television shows and his Michelin-starred restaurants. However, one particular aspect of Ramsay’s cooking has raised eyebrows among food enthusiasts: his use of raw eggs in mayonnaise, despite his apparent disdain for raw eggs in other dishes. This paradox has sparked a debate among fans and critics alike, leading to what is now known as the “Gordon Ramsay Raw Egg Controversy”.

The Raw Egg Controversy

On numerous occasions, Ramsay has expressed his disapproval of using raw eggs in food preparation, citing health risks such as salmonella. However, viewers of his cooking shows have noticed that he readily uses raw eggs when making mayonnaise. This apparent contradiction has led to confusion and debate among viewers and food enthusiasts.

Understanding the Paradox

To understand this paradox, it’s important to consider the context in which raw eggs are used. In many dishes, raw eggs are used as a binding agent or to add moisture. However, these dishes are typically cooked, which eliminates any potential health risks. In the case of mayonnaise, the eggs are not cooked, but they are combined with vinegar or lemon juice, which can kill bacteria.

The Science Behind Mayonnaise

Mayonnaise is an emulsion, which means it’s a mixture of two liquids that don’t normally mix. In this case, the liquids are egg yolks and oil. The lecithin in the egg yolks acts as an emulsifier, allowing the oil and egg yolks to combine into a creamy sauce. The acid from the vinegar or lemon juice not only adds flavor but also creates an environment in which bacteria, such as salmonella, cannot survive.

Ramsay’s Stance on Raw Eggs

While Ramsay’s use of raw eggs in mayonnaise may seem contradictory, it’s important to note that he has always advocated for safe food handling practices. He has stressed the importance of using fresh eggs, preferably organic, and ensuring that the eggs are properly stored and handled to minimize the risk of contamination. Furthermore, he has emphasized that the acid in the mayonnaise recipe is crucial for killing any potential bacteria.


In conclusion, the “Gordon Ramsay Raw Egg Controversy” is more of a misunderstanding than a true contradiction. While Ramsay does discourage the use of raw eggs in certain contexts, his use of them in mayonnaise is backed by science and safe food handling practices. As always, it’s important for home cooks to understand the risks and precautions associated with using raw eggs in their own kitchens.